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I became a playboy

In this 25th edition, Bia and Jader present great news: Nossa Escola has its first sponsor, none other than the carnival champion, Imperatriz Leopoldinense. And without fear of tearing up silk, they dedicate the program to rescuing memories and affections related to the Queen of Ramos. Come together and spread this good news!

Black Press in the IEB Collection

Nathália Caires and Carolina Natividade da Cruz present the project “A Imprensa Negra Paulista”, which takes place in the Archive of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros at USP, focusing on the Imprensa Negra Paulista and its relationship with the social environment of the black community in the city center from Sao Paulo. The objective is to promote the dissemination of these periodicals that are part of the IEB collection, favoring the memory of the subjects and the black movement. Image caption: Digital collage with images of the Black Press under the custody of the IEB (1904-1963).

And we the Eres?

And we the Eres?

Webinário - 03 - Vivências, Saberes e Perspectivas da Cultura Negra Urbana

Memories and Knowledge - Memory of the Sacred

The Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of Rio de Janeiro presents, through the Public Notice Traditional Peoples Present, Columbia University and Ilê Omolu Oxum: In this last episode of Memories and knowledge, we will bring stories about the work of Mãe Meninazinha de Oxum to preserve the memory and heritage related to the people of terreiro. We will address two very important moments, her struggle and that of other religious leaders for the release of the Nosso Sagrado collection and the foundation of the Iyá Davina Memorial Museum. Unmissable.

Uncountable - EP 06 - Les peuples autochtones sous la dictature

“Indigenous Peoples in the Dictatorship” is the sixth episode of the series Incontáveis, a series that tells stories that are not usually told about the military dictatorship in Brazil. Produced by the UFRJ Memory and Truth Commission, the series seeks to disseminate recent academic research and reports prepared by the truth commissions. In this episode, we see how, during the dictatorship, indigenous peoples were the target of removals, massacres and epidemics in the name of development and national security. Businessmen, bankers, landowners and state agents allied themselves to "pacify" the alienated Indians and accelerate their "integration" into national society. Removing them from their lands, they built roads and hydroelectric dams, and installed economic activities such as farming and mining, generating pollution and destruction. On the other hand, the film also portrays the struggle of sertanistas, anthropologists and missionaries, the emergence of the unified indigenous movement and the challenges of the democratic period. The narration is by Douglas Krenak, whose family was exiled from their sacred territory during the dictatorship.

Rubens Barbot

The podcast is conceived by Coletivo Confraria do Impossível intended to tell the story of a black personality per episode, as well as the movements related to it and the different echoes that we find of their achievements in the present. The first character is Rubens Barbot / Guest: Gatto Larsen. Play and let's get to know your trajectory together!

Amefrican beauty

Do you know who Dai Bastos was? In Rio de Janeiro, Dai managed with a lot of talent and creativity to change the face of black youth in the 70s/80s and the reality of many women. Dai's history is intertwined with the history of the Brazilian black movement and shows how beauty can be a strong instrument of communication and political transformation.

"We don't seek shelter in places of oppression"

The psychologist and director of the Instituto da Mulher Negra de Portugal, Shenia Karlsson, is a guest on the new episode of the Fala Diverse podcast, presented by journalist Silvia Nascimento. Brazilian, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Shenia currently lives in Portugal and has become a reference in the area in specialized care in diversity. Before living in Portugal, Shenia carried out projects in the black communities of RJ, and there, she works with many immigrants from the African continent, most of them Cape Verdeans and Angolans. Presentation: Silvia Nascimento Production Mundo Negro Recording and editing: @Cultne Art Collection: Apuan

Nossas Histórias - EP 16 - Iracélli Alves

Axé e Carnaval - EP 04

Cultne registered on October 21, 2019 the event "Axé e Carnaval - Samba in the fight against religious intolerance" that took place at the Centro de Artes Municipal Hélio Oiticica, in downtown Rio de Janeiro. Discrimination against Afro-Brazilian Religions has gained much prominence in recent years. Almost daily news appears portraying violent stories of disrespect to the People of Axé. On the other hand, activists and religious react to discrimination by associating and guiding the State and society to the importance of respecting religious freedom.

#05 - Black women in politics

Black women make up less than 1% in the Chamber of Deputies. Of the 513 parliamentarians, 52 are women, 7 of which are black, according to the IBGE criteria, which considers the black population to be the sum of black and brown people. Even though black people make up 55.8% of the population, we are still underrepresented in legislative houses. Places where laws that act directly on our black bodies are made and voted on.

Black in Football / 2.Black Shirts

For many years, the clubs on the Zona Sul-Tijuca axis were able to take advantage of their hegemony in the Rio championship, because in 1923 a small club would leave the second division to change the history of football forever. Dressed in their black shirts, young black, mestizo and poor white people left the most undesirable places in the city and formed the team that drew crowds of people playing football that brought all the big teams to their knees. They came to score some goals, and maybe win some games, but along the way they called into question concepts of race and class within the four lines of football.

Africa on the agenda - Football and terror in Nigeria (Abuja)

In this episode, we reflect on the tense week in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, between yet another terrorist case and the disappointment on the lawns. Plus new updates on the Universal Church in Angola, Malian censorship of French media outlets, and much more – with boards on sport and history.

Interview with the filmmaker: Sabrina Fidalgo

In our first episode of 2021, we interview iconic filmmaker Sabrina Fidalgo! For those who don't know her work as in "Black Berlin", "Queen" or "Alfazema", you will be impressed with the power, authenticity and autonomy both in her lines and expressed in the films. It's an honor to have her as the first interviewee of the year, thanks Sabrina! ?????

The Case of Carmen Palheta - Being creative in bureaucratic work and launching a book after 50. We can!

Pay the bills with bureaucratic work or drop everything and be happy doing only what you love? A question that never shuts up when we begin adult life and continues to scream throughout almost our entire professional career and can persist even into retirement. But the answer does not always come directly pointing to one option or another. Not everyone can choose to live solely on love, while the bills are screaming at the end of the month. What to do? This was also the dilemma experienced by the journalist, and now retired papilloscopist from the Civil Police, Carmen Palheta. This 52-year-old from Pará worked for decades as a public servant while her vocation as a writer and columnist called her every day. But the time spent on public employment duties did not allow her to go any further. In this episode no. 08 of A Case Apart, she shares the entire process with Noemia Colonna, and tells how she protected and exercised her creativity amid bureaucratic service for decades, managing to give vent to her writer side, full and beautiful at the height of her maturity, and later of his 50s.

Tales Fornazier - Social Service and Combating Racism in Training and Professional Work

Commemorative episode Day of the Social Worker

Pantanal: Stories of Those Who Live in the Largest Flooded Plain on the Planet

In this episode, inspired by the premiere of the remake of the soap opera Pantanal, on TV Globo, we took a trip to the Brazilian Midwest to tell real stories of those who live in the biome. We talked for a few days with two characters: Benedita Elias, a woman from the land and wetland, from the city of Pedro Gomes (MS), and Rosa Helena, a biologist, from Corumbá (MS), who works in the preservation of the wetland. They talk about their relationship with nature, with the region and the challenges of living in this place known for its rich biodiversity.

Extra: Water and Fire

Tiago Rogero interviews Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of Project 1619, from the New York Times (version with the interview dubbed in Portuguese).